I think we know why she’s there.
Sorry about that!
I scheduled the update for 12 pm instead of 12 am. My bad! Pages are up now!
Our grand resurgence!
We beat covid and moving and we’re coming back this Sunday with a double update! Patrons will get them Saturday! Look forward to it!
Fucking covid!
Gish and I are both laid up in bed. We dodged covid for 3 years, but it finally got us. Thank you guys so much for your patience, we’ll be getting back to it as soon as we’re able! I am a congestion factory. Woof.
A hopeful event!
So I think I may have solved our technical issue! I think there are dead zones in either her pen nib or the pen itself. We’re working on getting some replacement nibs to do more testing! Hopefully that’s it and we can get back to it!
Unfortunate technical difficulties
Gish’s drawing tablet has been on life support for a little while and it’s getting a little bit too difficult to draw with. We don’t exactly have a lot in savings and live month to month, so it’ll take us a little bit of scrimping and saving to be able to replace it. We won’t be able to update until it happens and for that we’re really sorry! I hope we can get squared away sooner than later and get back to doing what we love most! I’ll be trying a few possible fixes I found on google, but my hopes aren’t exactly up for this one. We’ll be back as soon as we can! Thank you for your patience in advance!
Sorry for the late post!
The scheduler for some reason out of my control and clearly the fault of all robots everywhere (unless robots take over please don’t kill me robots) was set to the wrong date! We’re all good and the new page is up now 😀 Thank you for reading!
Holy bats in a cat knapsack stacked on a plaque that lacks snack packs! That’s a lot of views! Thank you everyone for taking an interest in our comic! I’m amazed and grateful! Stick with us, this thing is only getting better! 58 is in the works and coming soon!
New page tomorrow!
Or today, if you’re a patron. Gotta keep these lights on! An unfortunate slew of injury and illness beset the two of us, but we came out the other side with new content to boot! Thank you guys so much for your patience and continued readership! We so wish we had more time to dedicate to pumping this comic out, but we’ll do all we can with what we have! Here’s to more regular updates! See you guys tomorrow!
We did an interview last month!
Our good friend Cody at Keeping it Geekly had us on his show for a spell! I kept meaning to post it here, but I completely forgot! Watch us break down the pages and get a little insight, why don’t you? 🙂
Find the interview here!
50 pages!
We’re finally here! A whole 50! There are practically two issues of Slipstream out now. We’re just getting started, though! Stick with us and prepare for a great story!
New page coming tomorrow!
Sorry for the delay, this one was a bit of a complex page! Plus we’re on the (very) poor side, so we just don’t have as much time to commit to this webcomic as we’d like to. Maybe some of you would consider signing up for our Patreon! $2 per month gets you every page earlier than everyone else, plus a bunch of other goodies! And it helps keep the lights on and food in our mouth! It would go a long way! Catch page 49 now on Patreon or tomorrow on the website! As always, thank you so much for reading!
An on-time update!
It’s here, it’s happening, it’s now! Well, it’s tomorrow. Anyway, we managed to be on time this week. I also found out how to schedule these pages so I don’t have to stay up late on update nights. My hand is tired from patting myself on the back. Thank you for reading!
Alive again!
I had meant to update, but kept forgetting, so here’s a recap! A few days ago, the keyboard to Gish’s surface (art device) stopped working inexplicably. Doubly unfortunate was that’s what charged the pen she draws with! Thanks to our patrons, however, we had enough money to order a replacement charger right away and it just arrived! Back to the grindstone! Thank you all for your patience and thank you for reading!
Some news!
Gish has been sick, but we do plug along. I figured out how to include little blurbs about the page with every page, so expect to hear more of my bullshit. Thanks for reading! We’re moving along!
I did it!
I managed to update the website layout without totally breaking it. I’ve breathed enough relief to form a one-man collective sigh. Phew! It looks much better around here.
Late page this week
So for those unaware, the artist half of this duo (Gish) has hypermobile Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome. The basics of the condition is that individuals affected with this shit produce faulty collagen and it weakens their connective tissues. Makes dislocations and injuries a daily occurrence and because the connective tissue is so weak, and it also makes doctors squeamish about treating her. This results in a lot of downtime, as she gets hurt very easily and we can’t afford to take her to the doctors who deal with it, as they happen to be across the country and not covered by her insurance anyway.
What this means for the comic is when she gets hurt, she HAS to rest. Her drawing posture lately has also contributed to what we’re pretty sure is a compressed nerve in her drawing shoulder. We’ve been working on her posture since the pain really set in on Monday, and it’s helped, but it’s meant that she couldn’t finish the art for this next page in time for Sunday. We’ll be getting as much done as we can and we’re so thankful for your continued readership and patience! We’ve wanted to make a comic for so long! Stick with us and we’ll show you a great story!
40 Pages!
We’re really setting up for a bit of an epic, as it were. these first 40 pages have been quite the journey for us, art-wise! We’re almost halfway to a hundred! Here’s to the next ten pages coming out without too many hitches! As always, thank you so much for reading! We really appreciate it!
Hey guys! Little update for you!
Unfortunately, we won’t have a page tomorrow. Life comes at you and time and energy are so frustratingly finite. Hopefully this will give Gish some needed downtime anyway! She’s been giving it her all when it comes to this comic and I do so appreciate it. We’ll definitely be able to pick up next Sunday! Thank you all so much for your patience and continued readership! We do it for you! 🙂
What a week!
My general ennui is on the rise and Gish was struggling through some pretty bad migraines, but we still managed to crank another page out in a week! We’ll be back on schedule before you know it! Page 40 is next!
Our on-time streak!
So close! Ah, well, health comes first. We’ll be back on schedule sooner than later, that’s for sure! Thank you for reading!
Chugging along!
These last 5 pages came out damn near timely! Here’s to a continuation of that trend! Thanks for reading!
30 pages!
We haven’t gotten to this comic as often as we’d like rolling into our second year on it, but life does as it does. I’m still extremely happy to have gotten this far! We’re hard at the grindstone whenever we have any energy to churn these pages out! Hopefully we can hit 52 by April and have an average of an update every 2 weeks! If we can continue that trend, we’ll have caught up in no time at all! As always, thank you for your patience and for your continued readership! It means so much to us!
Hey, it’s Wednesday!
We are still just a taaad off schedule. They’re coming out at least! Every page feels like a new journey for us both, and Gish is just getting better and better at what she does! Unfortunately, life has some hands on her and also these artistic growing pains end up pulling us off track, but the quality is just exploding (maybe I’m biased, but I really believe it!) and it will get smoother as we iron out these wrinkles (as the kids say). Thank you so much for reading and sticking with us! We really appreciate it!
A new page!
Shit’s going crazy these days and we’ve just been out of juice for like everything. Sorry for taking so long! More WILL be coming! Thank you for reading!
25 pages!
It took a little longer than we would have hoped, but life spares none. Thank you so much for reading this far, look forward to more in the future!
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