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Late page this week

Late page this week published on

So for those unaware, the artist half of this duo (Gish) has hypermobile Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome. The basics of the condition is that individuals affected with this shit produce faulty collagen and it weakens their connective tissues. Makes dislocations and injuries a daily occurrence and because the connective tissue is so weak, and it also makes doctors squeamish about treating her. This results in a lot of downtime, as she gets hurt very easily and we can’t afford to take her to the doctors who deal with it, as they happen to be across the country and not covered by her insurance anyway.

What this means for the comic is when she gets hurt, she HAS to rest. Her drawing posture lately has also contributed to what we’re pretty sure is a compressed nerve in her drawing shoulder. We’ve been working on her posture since the pain really set in on Monday, and it’s helped, but it’s meant that she couldn’t finish the art for this next page in time for Sunday. We’ll be getting as much done as we can and we’re so thankful for your continued readership and patience! We’ve wanted to make a comic for so long! Stick with us and we’ll show you a great story!

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