Sorry for the inconsistencies, guys. I wish it were easier to get one out every week, but we’re doing the best we can. New pages will come up as they’re ready since we’re so behind and we’ll try to work our way back to a sunday update schedule!
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A new page!
Thank you for your patience. We try to get these things out as fast as we can. Life likes punching, especially in 2020!
Unfortunate tidings D:
Hello, my lovely readers! Just wanted to make a post to let you all know that this week’s page is on track for being a little late. Time and energy are finite and we have to spend some time(and energy) making sure we have continuing time and energy! We’ll try to get it out Sunday, but neither of us want to release something before it’s done. Thank you so much for your patience and we’re ever grateful for your readership! Tell your friends!
Whew! Finally up!
Sorry for the delay. Deadlines are hard. At least it’s a longer page this week! Back to these two! I’m sure you all were wondering what was up with them anyway, yeah? Thanks for reading!
It’s so hot!
It’s been so hot these past few days that Gish’s drawing energy has been at an all-time minimum! D:
Being disabled is a bitch, or so I hear constantly. Hopefully we’ll get the page up in time, but if not, it should be tomorrow! It’s almost done! Thank you so much for your patience, and as always, thank you for reading! This is what we dream of doing! Maybe someday we’ll make some money 🙂
Just in time!
It’s still Sunday, so this update isn’t late! As always, thank you for reading! We’ll try to be a bit MORE on-time in the future!
Sorry Guys D:
Gish had a bit of an arm injury last week and she’s the one who draws all this shit, so we’ve had to cut back on our art time. This week’s page is going to be late, but it will come! Thank you so much for your patience!
Update came through a little early!
We had the time zone wrong when scheduling the posts (whoops!) but we’ll just leave them up! Enjoy a double update! Slipstream starts now!
Grand Opening!
HELLO WORLD! We are so happy you are here! This is where we’ll post our updates and links. Thank you for your patience while we set it all up perfectly <3